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Vineyard Kids Church opens its heart, arms, and classrooms to kids from 6 months through 5th grade. Our loving teachers create a fun, safe and nurturing environment for children to learn Bible basics and experience God’s great love for them, all while making friends and having a blast. In addition to our Sunday classes, our kids get to share their faith through our puppet ministry and worship together with the grown-ups at our periodic family services. For more information, contact Pastor Elaine Brendler.

Our Classes:

Mini-Mites (6 months – 30 months)

Jumping Jellyfishes (30 months – 4 years)

Kingdom Kids (K – 3rd grade)

Kingdom Builders (4th & 5th grades)


Youth ministry at the Austin Vineyard is all about lighting a fire in the next generation through an experience of the radical, life-changing love of God. Our youth seek and serve the Lord together in a variety of ways throughout the year, from regular youth meetings, Alpha, camping, mission trips, fundraisers, and more.



Youth group meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Austin Vineyard. Students 6th-12th grades are welcome... Join us for worship, prayer, food, and lots of fun!

For more information, contact Sarah Koch!

Compassion/ Food Pantry

Our heart is the heart of Jesus for people. Our purpose is to minister to the most urgent needs of the greater Austin community and build relationships with other area churches and organizations that share that purpose.

We are always looking for ways to reach our community, join us! For more information, contact Pastor Tim Rushing.

Food Pantry schedule:

Every other Saturday, from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.  Currently using a drive through format during social distancing restrictions.



Growing, Caring, Serving


Our society is increasingly disconnected. In groups we learn to relate to one another in a healthy way, following the model of Jesus. We learn study the Bible, we learn to extend grace, we practice spiritual gifts, and we grow in our leadership call.  

Facebook and Twitter may help ease our lonely spaces, but being in a small group will heal your heart.  And while the loner lifestyle may protect us from getting hurt relationally, we give up SO much. Being in a group who truly cares about you offers both encouragement in times of pain and celebration in times of joy.

Contact Pastor Elaine Brendler for information on our current community groups!

Worship Arts

Worshiping God is the center of our experience together at the Vineyard. God created us to worship Him and respond to His presence. We draw from the rich musical heritage of the Vineyard movement and from other inspired worship resources worldwide as we lift up the name of the Most High God.


Our Worship Ministry consists of our Sunday morning and youth worship teams, our small group and children’s worship leaders, and our outreach worship teams.


Interested in joining a worship team here at the Austin Vineyard? Worship leader training classes are offered twice a year, with mentoring available if desired. Auditions for musicians and singers for any worship team are held quarterly.


For more information, contact Worship Pastor Tony Miller.

Men & Women

Our Men's and Women's Ministries host special events throughout the year!

Our Men's Ministry is famous for their Texas sized Men's Breakfasts! They spend time at these events connecting with, encouraging and praying for one another.  We also have small groups specifically for men. Contact Bill Brendler for information on upcoming events or our men's groups.

Our Women's Ministry loves to mix it up with a variety of fun events for the ladies.  From kayaking to celebratory teas, lunch out, camping and more... there is always time for fun and community. We also have small groups specifically for women. Contact Sarah Koch for information on upcoming events or our women's groups.

Be Inspired
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